News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 12/28/2016

To the Editor:

I'd like to thank several groups of people whose efforts may have gone unnoticed during the holiday season.

Thanks to Paul B. and the crews that cleared the streets and sidewalks of snow, including much-needed downtown parking spaces. I hope I speak on behalf of many downtown shopkeepers who really appreciated all of your efforts, especially as several storms hit during the holiday shopping season.

Thanks to ODOT and their crews who helped clear the main roads into Sisters. I commute on Highway 20 and this year it was no concern at all driving after the storms.

Last but not least, a big round of applause to all who staff the Sisters Post Office. I had to send and receive many holiday packages and was always greeted with a smile and a great attitude. Despite only two windows at their front counter and tons of mislabeled and misaddressed parcels they managed to once again make it through the busy season. I'm sure they're still digging out from under the packages that were mailed late.

Steven Segal


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