News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

STA invites Sisters to 'Get Plowed'

Volunteers with the Sisters Trails Alliance (STA) have spent the past few weeks "Getting Plowed." Yes, it's true; and they are inviting others to "Get Plowed," too! For some time now, members of this community-centered organization have been volunteering their time - and a great big red snowplow - to help plow out people stranded by the huge dump of snow that has arrived in Sisters Country.

Kris Calvin, together with Michael Grant, Jardon Weems, and Mark Thompson, has spent many hours donating time to the community by clearing snow from local neighborhoods. They have not been charging for their services; instead they have only asked for donations to STA.

Calvin found unique motivation to lead the volunteer effort. "I was highly motivated to do this after recently reading flagrantly false statements about STA in the letters to the editor, and other letters to former commissioner Unger," he said. "When I read such negative comments about an organization that is - in fact - a community gem, I get riled up to take actions to counter such hostile perceptions."

Plus he seems to be having a good time doing it! "It can also be one heck of a lot of fun to push mountains of snow around in a big truck with a one-ton block of concrete in the bed for traction - just like we used to imagine ourselves doing as kids with our sandbox toys."

STA's "plow boys" have had so many calls that they can no longer respond to individual requests. Instead, they are now targeting pre-organized clusters of plowing jobs. Neighborhood groups that want to "get plowed" are invited to organize and contact STA through a single spokesperson for their area. STA requests at least four - and hopefully more - individual plow sites be grouped together for the sake of efficiency. STA membership is not required.

"Right now we have but one big red tough truck equipped with a seriously effective plow blade, and we are blessed with several willing and competent volunteer operators," Calvin said. "It is not efficient or effective to respond to every individual call for plowing service, nor is it realistic to think we can respond quickly to all in need after a big dump of snow. But I'd sure like to see Big Red put into cost-effective service as much as possible for the benefit of STA."

Calvin cites Suzy Ramsey as a great example of serving as a neighborhood plow organizer and scheduler. "Suzy recently coordinated 11 plow jobs within her neighborhood," he said "and together she and Michael (Grant) knocked them all out in a couple of hours, raising what we think will be at least $440 for STA but, more importantly, raising awareness of STA efforts to build and maintain multi-access trails in and around Sisters."

That kind of neighborhood organizing is what Calvin hopes to see more of. "Makes sense to me," he said, "that we work to locate a few more neighborhood plow advocates who can serve as liaisons between the geographically concentrated plow jobs and our team of plow operators. We have a rather interesting and hopefully good thing going raising respectable dollars and public awareness and appreciation of the Sisters Trails Alliance..."

STA member Ann Richardson reported that $750 in donations had been earned as of Monday morning.

Individuals interested in forming a neighborhood group of persons needing snowplow assistance are invited to contact Calvin by email at [email protected] Phone messages are problematic because he is out plowing most of the time. Persons without access to email can leave a telephone message 541-549-0924.

The Sisters Trails Alliance is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit community organization dedicated to the planning, constructing and maintenance of walking, hiking, cycling, and equestrian trails in Sisters Country. The STA believes that trails are an indispensable ingredient for the quality of life and economic vibrancy in Sisters Country. Volunteer help and new members are always welcome.

For further information about STA or performing volunteer work on trails or other outdoor-related projects, contact the organization at 541-719-8822. Additional information can also be found on their website at or follow STA on Facebook at Sisters Trails Alliance.


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