News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Work underway on Sisters roundabout

Work has begun in earnest on the roundabout at the west end of Sisters.

Access to Barclay Drive at Highway 20 will be closed for about a month while Knife River excavates, places base rock, installs curbs and sidewalks and paves the Barclay side of the roundabout. By constructing the roundabout in phases, closing first Barclay Drive and later McKinney Butte Drive (in April), it will be possible to maintain the Highway 20 traffic with no significant impact during daytime hours. Both signed and unsigned detour routes will carry Barclay and McKinney Butte traffic around the construction zone.

Work will be ongoing during the daytime Monday through Saturday.

Highway 20 remains open, with through traffic guided by an extensive layout of orange traffic control posts. Travelers who seek to access Ponderosa Lodge off Barclay Drive can follow signed detour routes using Pine Street.

As with the Cascade Avenue improvement project, ODOT has made extensive effort to include citizen input in all phases of planning the roundabout project. During the period of construction, there will be a variety of detours for motorists around the construction area so that access to and from Sisters to the west will never be completely shut down. Installation of the artwork and landscaping for the roundabout will occur after the construction is complete.

The $3.2 million project is designed to improve safety, mobility, and access at the intersection of Highway 20 and Barclay Drive. Construction of the roundabout improvement is to be completed by Memorial Day.

Author Bio

Jim Cornelius, Editor in Chief

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Jim Cornelius is editor in chief of The Nugget and author of “Warriors of the Wildlands: True Tales of the Frontier Partisans.” A history buff, he explores frontier history across three centuries and several continents on his podcast, The Frontier Partisans. For more information visit


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