News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Obama failed to lead

Re: Steve Nugent's op-ed "An understandable reaction," in the March 8 edition of The Nugget:

After reading Mr. Nugent's column, my first reaction was, how, after only one month in office, could he come to such negative conclusions, with no redeeming values whatsoever. In fact, according to the opinion piece, he ends with the statement "all of these things bring serious doubt as to the legitimacy or fitness of President Trump."


Reality check - half the country feels otherwise, that a change was needed and needed badly, because of what Barack Obama turned this nation into in eight years. In fact, had it not been for California, President Trump would have won the popular vote as well. Out of 3,141 counties in the U.S., he won all but 57. So, let's take a moment and examine some more facts on why a change was needed.

For starters, Barack Obama in eight years added more to our national debt ($9.3 trillion), than all other 43 presidents combined, which our children and grandchildren will


Second, the national economy under Obama declined to the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s; median income a minus $5,000 per person; 11 million more in poverty; 43 million on food stamps, and welfare roles at their highest.

Third, increased regulations on the business community cost a staggering $873 billion; 300,000 manufacturing jobs lost; a global trade deficit of over $700 billion last year alone - all under Barack Obama's watch. In short, business growth in the last eight years has stagnated, especially in Oregon.

Fourth, the failure of Obama's signature piece of legislation - Obamacare. Rather than promises of "keeping your doctor" and "savings of $2,500 per family," the exact opposite has occurred. Choice in healthcare providers has decreased and costs have increased - as well as deductibles. Premiums are up an average of 25 percent nationwide, including Arizona at 116 percent.

Fifth, what about foreign policy, you say? Surely, there is a silver lining there. Sorry, no such luck. There are many examples of the failures of the Obama administration in dealing with foreign policy, such as giving Iran $150 billion dollars without virtually any restrictions; bowing to foreign leaders, repeatedly telling them that America is not very special; backing away from terrorists and refusing to call them Islamic


I could go on and on about Obama's legacy such as his administrations lack of transparency, accountability for anything, scandals such as refusing to take any responsibility for or prosecute anyone for Benghazi and the terrible loss of four Americans including Ambassador Stevens, the giving of arms to Mexican criminals and the loss of border patrol agents, to name just

a few.

Let's just leave it at this - Obama failed to lead. But the biggest damage is how he divided this country culturally.

On January 20, 2017, President Trump took office and truly inherited a mess. But, he has a plan - to increase jobs, lower taxes, reform the tax code, negotiate better and fairer trade deals, cut burdens to corporations, bring back our manufacturing jobs, promote energy independence, build a border wall, vet refugees, take care of our military and our veterans, repeal and replace Obamacare, and appoint constitutionalists to the U.S. Supreme Court. Maybe, then, we can make America great again. It sure hasn't been great the last eight


I am proud as a small businessman to say I support President Trump. Finally, there is someone who has my back.


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