News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Lady Outlaw golfers post best scores

Emma Farley, AriAnne Griffy, and Rose Williams all posted their lowest scores of the season in the district tournament held at the Santiam Golf Club (Par 74) on Monday and Tuesday, May 8-9.

The course had dried out considerably and was in much better condition than the previous week.

Farley played well for the Outlaws both days of the tourney. Emma shot a 114 on Monday, and on Tuesday carded 109 for her lowest round of the year. Emma shot a 48 on the front nine, also her lowest nine of the season. Farley led the Outlaws with a two-day total of 223.

"Emma drove the ball off the tee very consistently both days," said Coach Phil Lagao. "Her approach shots were solid and she putted and chipped well."

Cylie Lagao finished with a total of 238. Cylie shot a 113 on Monday and a 125 on Tuesday.

"Cylie battled through some back pain on the second day," said Lagao. "I'm very proud of her for finishing the round."

AriAnne Griffy carded a 137 on day one, and improved by 24 strokes on the second day to finish with her low round of the year at 113, and a total of 250.

Rose Williams carded a 149 on Monday, and dropped 14 shots on Tuesday for a 134, which marked her lowest round of the year. Her two-day total was 283.

"Rose was by far the most improved on the season," said Lagao. "This was her first year playing golf and we threw her into the fire. She handled it very well and continued to improve throughout the season."

The Lady Outlaws posted a team score of 513 on the first day, and dropped 32 strokes on the second day for a low team score for the year of 481. The two-day total was 994.

Taft took first-place honors with a two-day team total of 817, and Newport was runner-up at 822. Blanchet Catholic took third place just two strokes back at 824.

Coach Lagao said, "This was a great experience for our freshmen team. Having all four of them play in the district tournament and post a team score both days was great. I feel that this gives us a good benchmark for next season. It was awesome to see the girls shoot their best scores in their last round of the year. Each girl made great strides this season, and each one of them has worked hard and battled through injuries and balancing the demands of school and golf. We are so proud of each of them individually for what they bring to the team. It has been a pleasure to be able to coach such great girls all season. The future is bright for the Outlaws' girls golf team."


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