News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 05/17/2017

To the Editor:

How fortunate we are in Sisters to have such dedicated people who are willing to give their time and energy to present fine chorale music for an hour program at no charge to Sisters Country.

Beautiful music was performed both Friday evening and Sunday afternoon at Sisters Community Church. Stephanie King is an excellent pianist, and the choir is fortunate to have Connie Gunterman direct this year.

What a gift to this little city.

Bill Anttila

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To the Editor:

With more than 70 years on this planet and decades in National Strategic Intelligence services, I am profoundly amazed that the U.S. is so completely divided over something so fundamental - when U.S. intelligence sources and means are questioned involving at the very least, speculative evidence, suggesting there is high potential of foreign agency and/or foreign government intervention into the basic processes supporting the existence of our democratically founded representative republic.

It is no small thing that not only has the U.S. domestic and foreign intelligence services expressed deep concerns based on routine and legal processes, these U.S. governmental concerns sharing with our closest allies, Australian, Great Britain, Canadian and German intelligence branches, that these same allies have consistently corroborated U.S. intelligence observations suggesting collusion, corruption and Constitutional


Yet our federal system's chief executive and chief judicial authority deny openly that such evidence has credence, and doing so in such a cavalier fashion that legal processes investing all branches of the federal government are openly recused and blocked from pursuing information supporting or rebutting credible scenarios involving former Soviet intervention into U.S. national hegemony.

Would it not be a safer direction for this nation to simply find out? Would this not clear the air and add value to a faltering administration? Would this sort of "air cleaning" instill confidence of the American voting public, instantiating our democratic system as resilient and that our Chief Administrator and Chief Judiciary is legitimate?

We are entering a period of potential chaos, at home and abroad. What to do?

Ignore the apparent illogical moving fact pattern as offered by varied members of the administration? Install a process to resolve our national indifference regardless of what the American people may be required to sacrifice? Prescribe a process which is allowed free and complete access to ALL information that is deemed relevant by reasonable and independent sources, to compose a process that provides a credible story and sound scenario which completely lays clean our recent history leading up to the turmoil we are observing?

We make our decisions - we accept the consequences. Our children are watching. Let the chips fall.

Michael Richards


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