News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 05/24/2017

To the Editor:

Marijuana production might not seem an issue to you until it comes into your neighborhood. We found that out when an application notice was posted on Goodrich. Many neighbors are concerned with the safety and traffic that the marijuana industry attracts. Furthermore, the water usage is also significant not only with watering the thirsty plants, but showering them off.

Most importantly, the State of Oregon recognizes that Deschutes County already has over ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED unregulated marijuana grows. This spring, a bill in Salem was proposed to let these grows double their plant numbers. We don't have a marijuana shortage per a very recent feature on KTVZ; our Deschutes County marijuana products are being sold black market and shipped out of state. This is a federal offense.

Deschutes County rural residents in Tumalo and other locations were instrumental in implementing Deschutes County rules for the marijuana operations. Unfortunately, Salem is calling our Deschutes County rules "draconian." We do not want to lose these rules.

Central Oregon is known for it's outstanding beauty. Thousands of unregulated marijuana grows will certainly impact that beauty and the lifestyle that we value so much. The well-funded marijuana industry desires little or no regulation.

Patti Adair

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To the Editor:

I was recently bitten by a leashed dog in my neighborhood. There is no dispute that it was unprovoked. It was a scary and painful experience. The bite got infected, and I was off my feet for two weeks. I missed a family trip that had been planned and paid for. I took multiple antibiotics and was finally referred to an infectious disease specialist.

I waited five days to report the bite. No one wants to be a "bad" neighbor. The dog's owner pleaded with me not to call the police, but finally I did. Initially, the owner wasn't cited and was only required to quarantine her dog at home for 10 days. The dog also attacked another neighbor's dog three weeks later, and when an additional report surfaced from another city, the Sheriff's Department ultimately issued a citation for dog nuisance.

In every instance when a dog bites or injures a person, a citation should be issued. It sends a clear message that law enforcement prioritizes public safety. A citation, as opposed to a warning, also brings the situation the gravitas it deserves-and perhaps a more proactive plan on the part of the dog's owner.

I am writing this letter to encourage everyone who is bitten by a dog, or has a pet who is attacked by another dog, to report it to the SD-even if it makes you uncomfortable. A paper trail is necessary to ensure the safety of others. A dog that bites can be cited either as "nuisance dog" or "dangerous dog." As a "dangerous dog," an owner is required to leash and muzzle her pet. Hopefully, the dog that bit me won't be allowed to bite anyone else, especially the children in the neighborhood, but I'm not holding my breath.

Robin Lewis Kane


To the Editor:

What can we do about global warming?

Global warming feels overwhelming and frightening, but there ARE things we can do. A new book by Paul Hawken lists 100 techniques that he and his coalition of business people, scientists, and advocates found in practice around the world. The book is called "Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming." I'm not trying to sell you his book; it's just nice to see something hopeful for a change.

The number-one solution cited by Mr. Hawken is "Refrigerant Management." Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, supermarket cases, etc. release HFCs that warm the atmosphere. Their capacity to do harm is one- to nine-thousand times greater than that of carbon dioxide. An amendment to the Montreal Protocol will begin phasing out HFCs in 2019. So... a problem was identified and a plan was made to solve it. This is how the world should always work!

Other solutions explained by Mr. Hawken include reduced food waste, plant-rich diet, educating girls, managed grazing, LED lighting, alternative cement, walkable cities, composting, green roofs, microgrids, and net-zero buildings.

With all the depressing news of polar ice-caps melting, it's nice to see that solutions exist and are already being implemented. Maybe there's hope after all.

Paula Surmann


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