News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 07/26/2017

To the Editor:

This is in response to Craig Rullman's Bunkhouse Chronicle, "Don Jr. goes to Hollywood." (The Nugget, July 19, page 10).

Mr. Rullman suggests the reporting by the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN, among others is overwrought, breathless, hysterical and generally way over the top. He minimizes this story to a mere kerfuffle oversold by liberal media, similar to the tack taken by the Trump administration. After all, Mr. Rullman says, Mr. Smith does not go to Washington anymore without taking a few meetings with sketchy characters. He concludes that this is just like another Seinfeld episode with Phil Donahue(?) and "teppichfressers(?)" thrown in for good measure.

Russian hacking and interference in our election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign are very serious matters under investigation. Many would say this is the most important question we must answer now in order to protect the integrity of our election process now and in the future. As Vice President Joe Biden might say: This is a big ****ing deal!

It is suggested that sometimes it may be best to just shut the Bunkhouse door and take a nice long nap.

Will Lacey


To the Editor:

In response to Daniel Bower, Letters to the Editor, July 12, 2017:

You're absolutely right, Sisters is the worst.

We have the worst winter invasion of jacked up trucks from the Valley, on summer tires, towing a 40-foot snowmobile trailer up Three Creek Road at 60 mph. We have the worst sun-filled summers that burn your pasty Seattle skin while you paddle on one of the many frigid mosquito-infested lakes. Why do you keep coming back?

I don't mind it being the worst, even if it means standing in line behind you at the coffee house whilst you plan your next ride in your fancy biking gear. I don't even mind the worst sign language from you as you impatiently pass me while en route to your fancy retreat in the woods.

I don't want you to have to deal with the worst, so may I suggest highway 58 or 26; we'll sure miss you making this awesome town the worst.

Marco Gnos


To the Editor:

I agree with Ms. Pepperling (The Nugget, Letters to the Editor, July 12) in her support of the roundabout. Any junction - be it with stop sign, stoplight, or roundabout - will back up if the traffic density becomes high enough.

Stepping back and looking at the big picture, when traffic density returns to "normal," the roundabout works like a charm. I frequently have to travel from north to south over Highway 20; the roundabout is a vast improvement over the old stop sign.

Margaret Zimet


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