News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Wessel leads Sisters all-league honors

The Sisters High School football squad had 14 players named to all-league teams this season. Senior Brady Wessel had an exceptional year, and was named first-team all-league on both offense and defense.

Wessel earned first-team recognition as a guard on offense and on the defensive line. Brady has been a four-year varsity player and a mainstay on the Outlaws' squad.

"Brady is one of the hardest workers I've ever seen, and not just in practice," said Coach Neil Fendall. "He always puts in extra work outside. He combines great technique with good physical ability."

Austin Lake and Jake Stevens (seniors) were also first-team picks on offense; Austin at tight end and Jake at running back. Lake is a two-year varsity player and very athletic for his approximate 6'1" and 240-pound size. Jake has also played varsity for two years.

"Austin improved tremendously on his blocking ability throughout this year," said Fendall. "Jake has speed and creativity. On plays where there may not be much there, he can make a good play, and he's tough to catch once he gets going."

Seniors Jaden Condel and Christopher "Pherry" Luz were named second-team offense. Jaden earned the recognition at tackle and Luz at wide receiver. Jaden has played on the varsity squad for three years, and Pherry for two.

"Jaden is a perfectionist and highly committed to making himself a better player," stated Fendall. "He's very sound in both his assignments and technique."

Luz only played in two league games due to a concussion, but coaches remembered his strong junior season last year. Pherry is a very explosive player and is very difficult to catch.

Joel Miller (senior) rounded out the offense as honorable mention. Miller was recognized at the guard position on offense and was also a second-team pick at defensive line.

"Joel's strength has always been his size (approximately 5'10' and 250 pounds), and athletic ability," said Fendall. "This year he improved so much, in both his assignment and technique."

In addition to Brady Wessel, Jett Mingus (first-year varsity) and Ethan Morgan (second-year varsity) were first-team all-league picks on defense. Jett was named first-team inside linebacker and Ethan was selected at outside linebacker.

Of the duo, Fendall said, "Jett plays with great passion and with a great motor. He is always going, going, going. Ethan is a very good learner and a steady player."

In addition to Joel Miller, Jaden Condel, Tyler Friend, and Korbin Sharp were all second-team selections. Miller was selected defensive line, Condel at inside linebacker, and Friend and Sharp, both at defensive back.

Fendall said, "Inside linebacker is a natural position for Jaden. Tyler is an exceptional all-around athlete in terms of size, speed, and strength. This year he was way better at the contact side of the sport being physical and tough. Korbin (6' and 180 pounds) showed speed and quickness. He plays the ball really well, both anticipating and catching."

Ethan Morgan rounded out the all-league selections as honorable-mention punter.

"Ethan had the strength and ability to angle the punt and prevent the returner from getting the ball," said Fendall.

"I'm really proud of how this group handled adversity throughout the year," commented Fendall. "They dealt with a lot of injuries and stuck together. We have a lot of seniors (19), so it will be a tough class to replace. This class helped continue building a culture of accountability and hard work, and we hope future classes will emulate the same kind of work ethic."


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