News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 01/25/2018

To the Editor:

Last summer I wrote (a letter) published in The Nugget comparing the erratic and schizophrenic behavior of sage rats to the mainstream media.

Given the volume of fake news and vitriol spewed by the press since then, I feel the need to make a sincere apology to the sage rats for making that association.

At the White House press conference last week regarding the President's recent physical exam I was encouraged however as one hard-hitting reporter demonstrated new hope for journalistic integrity. She was about to blow the Russian collusion story wide open. You could hear a pin drop in the tension-filled moment when she asked "does the President wear dentures?"

Jeff Mackey


To the Editor:

Why should Sisters make marijuana use easier? Is this the kind of community we want?

I've already encountered people smoking marijuana outside the library, at the public parks, and on the job. I don't want to see any of our kids here in Sisters thinking that this is OK or normal. Marijuana has drastic side affects we all know about. The biggest ones effect memory, brain development, and feelings of apathy. In a world where people are already losing touch with reality do we really want more of this?

There are many ways to chill out, manage pain, and deal with a whole host of other things people use marijuana for. We have many great restaurants and cafes for relaxing, we have many hiking trails for clearing the mind and body, we have many places that already offer alternative therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic, nutritional, and massage therapies.

This whole marijuana thing has gotten way out of hand. Why aren't we talking about the risks of secondhand smoke from marijuana? The risk of higher crime rates? The risks of more accidents on the job?  Is the money from marijuana business worth the risk to the community? I don't think so.

I've lived in quite a few communities and have never met such great kids and teenagers. They are kind, considerate, respectful, smart, funny, passionate, and athletic. Marijuana in our community does not support the values they already have. I would hate to see even one kid go down the road to skipping sports and art classes in favor of using marijuana and not caring anymore about where they go to college or what business they'd like to open someday.

Let's keep Sisters focused on all the positive aspects we have in this community and leave the money-grubbing marijuana values to the big cities.

Lanigan Vitaceae


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