News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters RV Park set to expand

Sisters RV Park at the east end of town is going to grow.

The Sisters Planning Commission approved with conditions, by a 4-0 vote, expansion of the existing park on Highway 20 across from the FivePine campus.

The expansion would include an additional 12 spaces for non-transient siting of recreational vehicles, to be used for long-term residential use only. Staff conducted a detailed analysis of applicable standards and concluded that the requested site plan satisfies the approval criteria.

The entire property is bound by Highway 20 to the southwest, undeveloped treed property owned by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to the north, and a nature preserve (Hawks Haven Reserve) to the east and is approximately 5.13 acres.

The existing Sisters RV Park, owned by Scandia Sisters LLC/Bob Bowden, occupies the eastern 3.9 acres, a manufactured home park that contains 35 spaces used for long-term residential use (seven mobile home sites and 28 long-term RV sites), plus an office and laundry building. Five transient RV sites were grandfathered in when the RV park was annexed into the city in 1999.

RV parks are a form of transient lodging and manufactured dwelling parks are a form of long-term residential use that occurs for 30 or more consecutive days per month.

The proposed expansion of approximately 1.24 acres is on the northwestern portion of the site and is relatively flat with a number of trees around the perimeter.

There are a number of conditions attached to the site plan approval, including evidence of certificates of sanitation and compliance with providing piped potable water, and electrical and sewer connections to each site.

Staff recommended an eight-foot sight-obscuring fence and additional landscaped screening along the southwestern boundary of the expansion area adjacent to Highway 20 and wrapping around the northwest point.

A 3,700-square-foot recreational area is required and a total of 7,400 square feet is proposed in two locations; a 2,700-square-foot pet relief area at the northwest corner of the site and a 4,700-square-foot area improved with horseshoe pits, bocce ball, and two picnic tables located at the south portion of the expansion area.

Two parking spaces will be provided for each manufactured dwelling space, with one guest parking space for each four dwelling spaces.

Each RV site shall have a minimum 15-foot-wide compacted gravel pad and a minimum 15-foot-wide private grass area. The proposed driveway through the area will be paved and a minimum of 20 feet wide. A minimum of 20 square feet of storage per tenant shall be provided.

All RVs in the 12 new sites shall be skirted with vinyl, metal, wood, or other material that can be maintained in structurally sound condition.

The applicant has identified 11,000 square feet of landscaping areas through a combination of tree preservation, supplemental screening, recreation areas, and landscaping. Plans for the development of required landscaping shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of any building or trade permits.

At the hearing, there was no public testimony for or against the expansion project. Two letters were received prior to the hearing from tenants across Highway 20 in FivePine that voiced concern about the lack of safe pedestrian access across Highway 20 from the RV park. One of the conditions of approval is the installation of a flashing-light crosswalk between the park and Buckaroo Trail.

Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Sharlene Weed said, "I think it's a great addition to the town and will help with our housing shortage. I hope to see more in the future."

The City's draft Transportation System Plan (TSP) update identifies a roundabout as a possible intersection improvement at the junction of Highways 20 and 126. The preliminary right-of-way alignment would directly impact this proposal and require future right-of-way acquisition.


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