News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

City hosts parking lot barbecue

The Second Annual Sisters Barbecue sponsored by the City of Sisters on June 19 at City Hall was a rousing success, with an estimated 350 attendees.

Clouds over the sun provided a perfect temperature for those gathered around tables under red awnings in the parking lot and scattered on the lawn and under the trees, enjoying hamburgers, hotdogs, salads, chips, and cookies. Guitar music and songs by local Scott Brown provided entertainment as residents and a few visitors enjoyed socializing and meeting new people.

City Manager Brant Kucera, Mayor Chuck Ryan, and Deschutes County Commissioner Tony DeBone each spoke briefly, encouraging residents to participate in the Sisters Country Horizons vision project.

"Cities are a place of ideas, hope, diversity, and progress," said Kucera. "The vision process will provide a guide for what the city will become."

Ryan focused on the many important issues currently facing Sisters: affordable housing, marijuana dispensaries, and a new noise ordinance.

"All of these, and the TSP (transportation safety plan) are going to affect the city going forward," Ryan pointed out. "The visioning project is a time for public input. We want to hear your opinion."

Ryan went on to encourage residents to get involved in the city by volunteering for committees and local nonprofits.

Steven Ames and Ruth Williamson of NXT Consulting invited people to participate in the Horizons vision project by attending meetings and taking the new survey coming out in July. Williamson encouraged people to "navigate change with your heart open."

Kerry Prosser, City recorder, and the rest of the City staff, organized the event, handling all the details from setup, to purchasing and cooking the food, to the final cleanup.


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