News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 03/06/2019

To the Editor:

My wife and I have been part of running Three Sisters Backcountry for the past decade. We operate four ski huts stretched from Sisters over toward Mt. Bachelor.

During this past storm we were trying to keep our guests safe by maintaining access and keeping roofs shoveled. This wasn't an easy task, just getting around was extremely difficult.

We want to express a sincere thank-you to all those who helped. Skiers and friends shoveled tons of snow, snowmobilers helped break trail, loggers plowed the road when it was almost shut down, and the Forest Service staff helped folks late into the evening hand-shoveling out their cars.

Our rad community of Sisters extends up into the mountains as well. We are truly grateful. We hope you all are enjoying this magical winter as much as we are!

Jonas & Anna Tarlen

Three Sisters Backcountry


To the Editor:

Being gay is not a "lifestyle," "alternative" or not. Period. Kids cannot be influenced to be gay through "exploitation of a lifestyle (sic)." Regarding the book "George" (again): did the author of the opinion piece read the book or just "additional pages"?

"Gender issues"? Most of those issues emanate from people who don't accept that gay people are just that. People. People NOT in need of redemption because of their sexuality. The Bible says a lot about a lot and I continue to be amazed at Christians who pick and choose which parts they live by and have faith in. Slave girls and polygamy anyone?

There are several statistics quoted in the story. Maybe the stats show an increase since our kids are feeling more empowered to speak their truths and society is more open and supportive of each individual's right to be themselves and name themselves. I bet the percentage is much higher as many gay folks don't feel safe coming out, even now.

Being gay has been a "taboo for millennia"? No. There are frescoes, ancient wall carvings, and much historical documentation of societies and cultures who have openly accepted gay members. Many Native American tribes call their gay/trans tribe members "twin-spirited" and they are revered.

You're weary? I am so weary of bigotry being wrapped in "love"; it's still prejudice.

Karly Drake-Lusby


To the Editor:

The snowstorm of 2019 will be one to be remembered by all. Sisters experienced school closures, businesses unable to open, and of course hard work in order to make any sort of movement possible.

A dear friend of mine made me realize something in the midst of this disabling storm. Many men of Sisters were either hired or voluntarily plowed our roads, shoveled our roofs, dug us out of our homes, and cleared pathways. Our conversation made me think, and it snowballed (no pun intended) from there.

I talked and listened to many of the ladies in town. I realized many of us were "storm widows." While the gentlemen (and I THANK YOU), were out until all hours of the night shoveling, plowing, digging, and pushing snow around town; that left the ladies to step up, too. While there are only so many hours in the day, and only so many places we can be at one time; many women jumped in to help our partners GET THINGS


I listened to amazing stories of the gals stepping up while the guys were getting things done. During this bleak week, it made me happy to hear how we all worked as a team to fill in where needed - women were shoveling until Epsom salt baths were needed every night. Fought with snow blowers until bruised from head to toe. Shoveled roofs to avoid ice dam damage. Helped dig out husbands' trucks. Made sure a hot midnight meal was ready after long hours outside.

Whatever anyone did to help a neighbor or do the unordinary - I am honored and appreciate all the "gal power" I heard about this week!

Cathleen Douthit


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