News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 03/20/2019

To the Editor:

After being out of town for a couple of weeks, I returned to find an article in the March 6 Nugget that is, literally, very near to my heart.

The article honors the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District for their service and devotes attention to their recent annual awards banquet. The article notes that, during the ceremony, firefighters and others were recognized “for saving two lives from sudden cardiac arrest.”

I am writing because I am one of those lives that was saved.

Sudden cardiac arrest is also referred to as sudden cardiac death because it is fatal in the overwhelming majority of cases. The heart completely shuts down and the victim has essentially “dropped dead.” Saving a life from sudden cardiac arrest, or death, is an extraordinary feat. I survived only because I was blessed multiple times over on that fateful day.

I collapsed at the Sisters Athletic Club, where staff were there to take immediate emergency response measures and contact the fire district. And, standing alongside me at the time was an individual — who I now refer to as my guardian angel — who is expert in CPR. He worked tirelessly to keep my heart pumping until the EMTs from the fire district arrived. Lastly, of course, were the EMTs. When they arrived, they immediately took charge, restored my heartbeat and transported me, and my wife, to St. Charles.

There is no way to properly thank the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District and the heroic individuals that saved me from certain death and gave me back the gift of life. But I just want to emphasize, from a very personal perspective, how extraordinary these individuals truly are. They play a critical role in saving lives and performing so many other vitally important tasks each and every day. Their exceptional work often goes unnoticed, but it is the heartbeat that keeps our community alive.

David Adler


To the Editor:

This is an open letter to the residents of Sun Mountain Ranches.

Once again I find myself pleading with my neighbors to help save Sun Mountain Ranches Special Road District.

Without three board members (each serves a three-year term), the District could be forced to be disbanded.

Who will plow the roads when snow comes? Where will your children catch the bus if the roads deteriorate due to lack of maintenance? What about the value you will lose on your home? Do you know how your tax dollars are being spent?

The prevailing attitude seems to be: “someone else will take care of it.” But “someone else” isn’t always going to be there.

Unless you want this to happen you need to become involved. I for one would hate to see all the money and time we’ve put into this end up a waste.

Jo Kilmer

Secretary/Sun Mountain Ranches Special Road District


To the Editor:

It seems those of us who oppose the book “George” being required reading for fifth-graders are being characterized as “book banners!” by those who support it.

I would like to make it clear that this is categorically untrue. I have not seen one person suggest the banning of this book. To the contrary, most of us believe no book should ever be banned.

We are simply requesting that our children not be required to read a book that encourages (even praises) the denying of one’s biological reality.

If it became required reading, it’s not like the book would end up on the list by accident. Since the majority of the world’s books don’t end up there, it’s obvious that the ones that do are very carefully selected in order to teach children certain values, or for their literary merit. I’d venture a guess that those who support this book would not want, for example, the Bible on the list.

Our children can and will learn to be compassionate individuals who are kind to those who are different, without being required to read a book that encourages denial of biological reality. The author’s own bio states: “They are proud to have served on the board of NOLOSE, a fat-positive, queer, feminist organization dedicated to supporting radical fat acceptance and culture.” Seriously? It isn’t even grammatically correct to refer to oneself as “they.”

No. The people who are harming our children are those who think such a book should be required reading. Woe to you.

Jordan Pope


To the Editor:

I don’t think it a coincidence that the two Sisters Planning Commission members removed from the Commission by the Sisters City Council voted against allowing Hayden Homes to renege on much of its promise to build affordable homes.

The recent spreading of money around town by Hayden Homes only serves to reinforce my opinion as to who they really are.

Roger Detweiler

Editor’s note: The planning commissioners referred to in the letter were not removed during their terms. They were not reappointed to their positions after their terms expired.


To the Editor:

After reading Jeff Mackey’s letter to the Editor in the March 13 Nugget, I was taken aback by its hateful tone, its irrationality, and its lack of facts. After reflecting on this, I realized that the message he is really trying to convey is how afraid he is. I think most people can relate to that. These days, there is certainly a lot to fear.

One big fear seems to be about what we stand to lose, or what might be taken away; our safety and security, our dignity and respect, a healthy natural environment, a chance for a better life, our image of how we think things should be, our children’s future, etc.

We certainly need to work for change, but I wonder what might happen if, instead of lashing out in fear about what we think we might lose, we started to think more about what we have to give. What we have to give, after all, is one thing that can never be taken away. That would be revolutionary. And it could start here.

Scott Rullman


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