News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 04/03/2019

To the Editor:

If you did not get the chance to attend the BendTED X on Saturday, March 30 you missed a very inspired speech from a local student at Sisters High School. Wyatt Hernandez retold his personal story of suffering through and recovering from a concussion he received while playing football.

After a long recovery he realized the passion that he still had for playing football and the importance of the sport in his life.

It takes grit to put aside fears after a traumatic injury, and this young man came back to play again as the team’s kicker.

More importantly Wyatt has become much more than just a cautionary tale — he has become an advocate for recognizing the great benefits of the sport while pressing for safety advances, rule changes that better protect players and new technology in helmet design.

He spoke about football being a team sport that builds character and opens a lot of opportunities to those who participate.

He also spoke about his love for the nuances of the sport and its artistry.

I am hopeful that he will find many ways to keep passionate and involved and wish him every success in the future.

Karen Isberg

My husband and I attended The Belfry last night for the first time. The pre-featured couple for the evening was very talented, but it was almost impossible to hear them because of all the talking and laughing that was going on. When did the people of Sisters become so rude? I was told that it was “just old home week” for the citizens. At the expense of two lovely people singing? I apologized to the couple before we left and we didn’t stay for the main entertainment.

Lois Smith


To the Editor:

This is in response to Jeff Mackey’s letter from March 13.

Jeff and his wife are very nice people. I know this because they used to live next door to me. It’s hard to believe Jeff is so nice after reading his letter because of its tone. I believe Jeff writes this way because he realizes President Trump won the 2016 election by talking and writing the same way. Jeff is following his example because it inspires conservative Republicans to hold tight to their views. He might also be hoping to bait a Democrat into responding the same way. Luckily, no one has done this.

Despite our differences Republicans, Democrats, Independents and everyone else still have more in common than not. We love our country. We value our freedoms. We want a secure future. We watch out for our neighbors, no matter what they believe.

As for the abortion issue that Jeff raised, the New York state legislature passed a law allowing abortions after six months if the mother’s health or life is at risk or if the baby would absolutely not survive outside the womb, even if full term. Doctors often make this diagnosis when there is no heartbeat. The law does not allow for unrestricted abortion up to the moment of birth. The reason for this legislation is to have in place a state law if Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court, leaving the states to enact their own laws.

Paula Surmann


To the Editor:

After two years, issuing 2,800 subpoenas and 500 search warrants, interviewing 500 witnesses across 13 countries, employing 40 FBI agents and 19 lawyers (13 registered Democrats), and spending millions of taxpayer dollars, Robert Mueller concluded unequivocally, “The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

If there is no crime how could there have been obstruction? How did they react? They don’t believe the findings? Even though both the House and Senate conducted separate investigations with no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion they are still determined to overturn the election by any means possible.

They and their swamp friends from the Obama administration lied to the American people every single day claiming the evidence that Trump colluded with Russia existed, and even approached the level of treason, which is punishable by death. CNN, CBS, MSNBC and others have zero credibility as journalist. It is despicable what they did to divide, spread hate, and lie to Americans to promote their agenda.

While the shock of disappointment is still too great for many Trump-haters, suggesting a switch to the #1 cable source of actual news is probably premature. As an alternative I frequently look to an independent watch-dog group called Judicial Watch, which uses the Freedom of Information Act and the courts if needed to obtain government documents, emails, etc. The following YouTube video will hopefully prompt a desire for the real truth:

Jeff Mackey


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