News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Springtime safety tips for dogs

Spring is here. It’s heating up in Sisters, and summer is just around the corner. With the change of seasons come outdoor chores, spring cleaning and the arrival of pests for your pets. So, before you start on those seasonal chores take inventory of potential hazards for your furry friend.

Dogs love spring because they get to spend more time outdoors. After being cooped up during winter, your pooch is eager to get outside and start exploring! It’s therapeutic for Rover to be able to take advantage of the lengthening and warming days to release all their pent-up winter energy.

However, the warmer days bring about certain health concerns so take a moment and make sure your pooch is fully prepared for the pleasant weather.

Spring is a good time to check and make sure your dog’s vaccinations are up-to-date. Dog-to-dog contact increases in the spring and continues into the summer months. Dogs are now spending more time hiking with their pet parents and are likely to come across wild animals such as a raccoon or squirrel. Keeping their rabies, parvo and distemper up to date will help protect your pooch from potentially deadly diseases.

If you’ve noticed that Rover has been scratching lately, fleas are a likely culprit.

Hiking on trails usually means wooded areas along with loads of ticks. So, remember to use flea and tick prevention now before stepping on that wooded path with Rover. If you’re proactive with flea and tick control, you won’t have to worry as much about these pests getting your furry friend sick.

There’s a variety of products available to combat these pests, so ask your veterinarian which one is best for your dog. Start early as preventing ticks and fleas from becoming a problem is far easier than dealing with a major flea infestation. Get into the habit of regularly checking your dog for ticks. Ticks are typically found around the head, on the ears, neck, chest and forelegs although they can be found anywhere. Usually it is easier to find them by feeling for them instead of looking depending on how long your dog’s coat is.

One way to check for fleas is to look for black specks on your furry friend or in his bed. The specks are fecal matter from adult fleas and if you add the specks to a wet paper towel the particles will turn red.

With spring comes spring cleaning. Keep your pets out of harm’s way when using harsh cleaning chemicals around your home. Almost all cleaning products contain chemicals that are harmful to animals. If it’s a nice day, open windows while cleaning to air out chemicals.

With gardening in full swing already, pay special attention to poisonous plants that are accessible to your pets. Popular outdoor plants that are poisonous to pets include rhododendron, sago palm, and azalea, to name a few. For a complete list of plants that are poisonous to your furry friends, go to

Pet parents take heed: Fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides keep your lawns healthy and green, but their ingredients may be dangerous if pets ingest them. Dogs also absorb toxic chemicals through the pads of their paws, so use a nontoxic fertilizer.

Keep your dog safe outdoors by making sure your fertilizer is pet friendly. You don’t have to neglect your lawn to protect your pet, but you do have to be selective about the ingredients in your fertilizer products.

Warmer weather means longer walks and more chances for your dog to run off after seeing a squirrel zoom by. Make sure Rover has a microchip for identification and wears a tag imprinted with your home address, cell phone and any other important contact information.

Spring really means fun times for dogs and their people, so pick up the leash and go for a walk. You are bound to notice a little spring in your furry friend’s steps!


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