News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters Country birds

The American Dipper [Cinclus mexicanus] or Water Ouzel is found singing and bobbing on fast- moving streams throughout the western U.S. Searching for aquatic insects and small fish, the Dipper dives and sometimes swims under water while overturning rocks to find their food. They have white upper eyelids that protect their eyes and that also may help in blinking communication while on the loud rushing rivers.

The female chooses a nest site that is above flood stage and then, with the male Dipper, constructs a nest with an outer layer of mostly moss is lined with leaves, grass, and bark. Four to five white eggs are incubated for 14-17 days and a 24-day nesting period is begun. On the Metolius River, every bridge has a Dipper nest under or close by.

A low metabolic rate and blood that has a capacity to carry increased oxygen levels enable the Dipper to survive the cold winter waters. Their melodic songs echo along the streams and rivers and increase in frequency during the late winter to spring breeding season. A group of Dippers is called a “ladel” of Dippers. For more American Dipper images visit


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