News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 8/10/2022


To the Editor:

I hope the planned roundabout on the east end of town will be designed to accommodate the obvious (to me) and long overdue solution to the through-traffic issue that seems to confound Sisters. The simple, most straight-forward, and tried ’n’ true solution is and has been to make Cascade Avenue one-way westbound and Hood Avenue one-way eastbound. True, we’d have to give up the diagonal parking on Hood in favor of parallel parking, as has worked for decades on Cascade.

I don’t know what may have been and/or remain the objections to this.

Often, long-established residents, businesses, and other interests, by their power and influence or simply tradition, create an imbalance with the much larger public interest in these matters.

I firmly believe that the added available on-street parking along Hood would benefit businesses on both streets.

Redirecting traffic through another section of town and requiring it to jog back to the highway and then the Highway 97/Highway 126 intersection only a few hundred yards beyond is not a sensible solution.

This idea may even obviate the need for a roundabout in favor of a simple split at that or another nearby location on Sisters’ eastern approach.

Ross Flavel

Roundabout Art

To the Editor:

It looks like we will finally have a roundabout at the intersection of Locust and Cascade.

Let’s start looking at the artwork for the project now. When our present roundabout was constructed we had to look at a pile of dirt for the better part of a year before the sculptures were installed.

A suggestion would be something related to the Sisters Rodeo.

Judy Kershaw

Entertainer of the Year

To the Editor:

Congratulations, Rhonda Funk. Rhonda Funk was today named the International Singers and Songwriters Association (ISSA) Entertainer of the Year - Gold.

Rhonda was a Sisters resident for many years, and her family still lives here. She moved to Nashville, Tennessee, for more opportunity in the music industry.

John Miller


To the Editor:

In deference to other folks who would like their opinions to be heard, I’ll keep this as short as I can. In Mr. Luftig’s response to my commentary piece in the July 27 Nugget, he issued a call for “legitimate” evidence. Notwithstanding the fact that the term “legitimate” is highly subjective, he nonetheless came to the right place for data.

As a public policy analyst for the last 40 years, my data and information archives have grown to be quite vast, covering a wide array of public policy issues.

In the case of Mr. Luftig’s chosen issue, vaccine safety, I think I can deliver far more than he would care to consider.

My collection of notes, essays, reports, and data on the COVID racket number well past 300 pages, and go back more than three years.

I have hundreds of hours of interviews of the top doctors and scientists in the relevant fields, and the transcripts for most of those hours.

I have the patent abstracts for the more than 4,000 patents issued in relation to the SARS-CoV viruses, including those owned by institutions like NIH, NIAID, and the University of North Carolina, some going back to the 1990s.

Note that in the U.S. patents can only be granted for things that are man-made. I’m happy to share any of this data and information with others.

Mainstream media reports are not data, nor are one-liners from government websites. Data are found in databases, and the peer-reviewed reports and interviews presented by the doctors and scientists who generate the data. And no single paper or report will even come close to telling the whole story.

Charles Stephens


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