News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 10/05/2022

Editor’s note:

In the September 28 edition, Brent Irwin mistakenly attributed the content from a September 21 letter regarding “pity” for Donald Trump’s adherents to another letter-writer, Richard Lyons. The content Mr. Irwin found objectionable was actually in a letter penned by John Apres.

District 53

To the Editor:

This election in November is profoundly important. As a young person who is deeply concerned for the future of our planet, I need to emphasize how crucial it is to elect Emerson Levy for HD53.

With an opponent that is a climate change denier and sure to dismantle the progress we have already made, no argument can be made that Michael Sipe is a candidate that is looking out for the planet or for those of us on it. He proudly spoke the words, “Climate alarmism is more risky than climate change, in my view.” He is ignoring expert scientists all over the world who wholeheartedly disagree with that statement.

Emerson Levy is the champion Central Oregon needs in Salem. She is the candidate who will continue Oregon on its path of sustainability and progress. A lot is on the line here, and Emerson is the person who will fight for you, your family, and the future generations of Oregonians yet to come.

Sam Lewis

Defending Commissioner Adair

To the Editor:

In Monica Tomosy’s letter to the editor dated September 28 her comments are at least uninformed, if not irresponsible. She claims that Deschutes County Commissioner Patty Adair “vocally” promoted “a snake-oil scam” as a treatment for COVID-19. For the record, the commissioner has never advocated the use of any unapproved medications for any purpose.

The “snake-oil” Tomosy references is the drug Ivermectin, which she claims is merely an antiparasitic for horses.

Had she taken the time to Google Ivermectin, she would have seen that the two scientists who developed Avermectin (later reconfigured as Ivermectin), William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura, were awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize for Medicine for their discovery.

The award said that the scientists’ contributions led to the discovery of a new class of drugs (Ivermectin) with extraordinary efficacy against parasitic diseases and infections.

The drug has had incredible success in preventing diseases such as river blindness, lymphatic filariasis, and a host of other parasitic diseases, which infect hundreds of thousands of people every year in some of the poorest countries in the world.

Ivermectin is not an approved treatment for COVID-19 in the United States, but has been tested in other countries and has shown positive results.

“Snake-oil:” Hardly a description most reasonable people, including the Noble Prize Committee, would use.

Tomosy states that Commissioner Adair has made decisions which were contrary to staff recommendations. Staff gives recommendations: commissioners consider that input and then make informed decisions. We elect the commissioners to best represent our interests, not the staff.

Commissioner Adair has a strong background in administration, accounting, and business. She was elected to use her skills to best serve the Deschutes County residents. She has done that to great effect. The job of county commissioner is demanding and complex at many levels. It requires strong administrative, budgeting, and intrapersonal skills, with large doses of common sense and work ethic thrown in. Commissioner Adair has demonstrated a unique ability to deliver for her constituents.

Deschutes County has an annual operating budget in excess of $480 million. This is not a social worker position. Let’s keep a strong, proven administrator for Deschutes County. Please join me in reelecting Patti Adair for Deschutes County Commissioner, Position 3.

Andy Sichler


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