News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

One-act plays on tap in Sisters

The show must go on. That famous saying can be heard backstage at many theaters when an actor gets injured or sick, stage props break, or the sound equipment fails. Of course, in 2020 that wasn’t the case when Silent Echo Theater Company’s (SETC) evening of one-acts had to be shut down after two performances.

Now, after a two-and-a-half-year hiatus, the producers, cast, and crew are excited to present “Now You’re Talking” Holiday Edition One-Acts beginning Thursday night at Katie and Doug Cavanaugh’s Harmony House, located at 17505 Kent Rd. in Sisters.

Three 7:30 p.m. performances Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and one 2 p.m. performance on Sunday will be presented with a suggested donation of $25. Doors open 30 minutes before each performance.

“Though COVID was a blessing in the beginning because it allowed time to decompress, and regroup after several months of planning and rehearsing for the one-acts, ultimately we all started to miss our theater community and performing,” “Now You’re Talking” producer Marla Manning said.

“It has been such a pleasure to finally come back as a theater community and work together to put on this show. The cast and crew have put in numerous hours to share their love of live theater with others,” she added.

The evening will feature seven plays written by six playwrights, two of whom are from Central Oregon. The actors are from Sisters, Bend, and Redmond.

Katie Cavanaugh is one of the Sisters actors and shared that, when she was little, she told people she wanted to be a movie star when she grew up.

“This is my second opportunity to be on the stage of Silent Echo Theater performances and I have so enjoyed the process. Feeling into the personality of my character has really been a remarkable experience. As a singer-songwriter and performer for almost 50 years, I’m no stranger to the stage. Acting is just another wonderful layer of expression. The one-act play that I am in is a comedy and it is wonderful to bring a bit of lightheartedness to the world,” Cavanaugh said.

Since performing with SETC in 2020, Cavanaugh has joined the SETC board, and has brought many ideas to the group. When board members were brainstorming for venue ideas to perform this year’s one-acts, Cavanaugh offered the use of her barn.

“One struggle we’ve had since we formed Silent Echo is finding a location in Sisters for performances. Many places in town have other events and we have to be mindful of those schedules. Katie didn’t have anything scheduled for this time, so it’s worked out well,” Manning said.

Those wishing to attend the plays can sign up through and search for Sisters, or “Now You’re Talking.” Donations can be made at the door with cash or through Venmo.

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