News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 3/22/2023

Education or indoctrination?

To the Editor:

Many of us are concerned by what we see and hear being promoted by the public school system in our country. Ideologies that are contrary to reality have been with us for many years, but they have increased until we’ve reached this crescendo of confusion that is present in our institutions today. Unfortunately, our governmental agencies and the media supports what academia feeds them. Ideologies that cannot be supported by science are presented over and over again as fact. If you say something long enough and loud enough, even if it’s not true, people start to believe it.

In 1859 Charles Darwin published his book called “On the Origin of the Species.” It was his theory in explanation of creation. For those who don’t believe in God, or want to be accountable to the Creator, this is a way to explain man’s existence. It is a theory, however, that is based upon a presupposition not founded in truth, and yet it is promoted by mainstream educators as factual.

Fast-forward through time to the latest stream of propaganda. There are a number of things that are all connected in the present-day education agenda. I think the most damaging one, however, in this group of things is the gender identity nonsense being promoted. There is no scientific basis for this and yet it’s being taught to young minds as truth. DNA cannot be changed by “feelings.” We have biological bodies that have biological genders.

The trend we are seeing, which to a large degree, originates with our educators, is disturbing. It causes confusion of mind, and for some can even result in serious damage to their bodies. I encourage all of you parents to be aware of what your kids are being taught and perhaps consider alternatives to your children’s education.

Richard McDaniel

Welcome to Sisters?

To the Editor:

This past Friday, six family members visited me from Texas. I was happy to serve as their Sisters tour guide, and we spent the afternoon in downtown Sisters, involved in “retail therapy,” and financially supporting the small business merchants.

We stopped on Cascade Avenue to take family photos, and while we were taking photos, two men in a truck slowed down, rolled down their truck windows, and shouted at us “Go back to Portland!” Shortly thereafter, a woman walking behind us went around us and turned back to face us, and said to one of my great nieces (age 15) “What happened to your jeans? You poor thing! The legs are ripped! You need new jeans!” She then said, “I’m just kidding,” and walked away.

My family was shocked and saddened over these rude comments, and I was embarrassed for them. I have always taken pride in the ambiance and friendliness of our Sisters community members, and have always enjoyed the welcoming atmosphere displayed by our neighbors, merchants, and fellow Sisters residents. However, this unexpected and sad display of rudeness my family was subjected to is uncalled for and does not represent Sisters as a welcoming destination. These incidents have left a less than welcoming impression on my family members, especially in light of the fact that this was their first visit to Sisters.

Welcome to Sisters?

Janet Swarts

Original STA logo

To the Editor:

With respect to Dennis McGregor’s letter to the editor in the March 15 Nugget, I would like to clarify Mr. McGregor’s statement about creating the original STA logo.

As a member of the STA committee, I personally drew the original Sisters Trails logo (I still have the original pencil sketch), which was then modified/enhanced from input by Jeff Sims and other STA committee members. The committee then gave the colored logo sketch to Mr. McGregor to get into a print-ready format (i.e., camera-ready art) for the STA to use as the logo for the trail signs.

Mr. McGregor has produced many wonderful works of art, but the original STA trail logo was more of a group effort and not the original work of a single individual.

Eugene Trahern

Dogs and THC overdose

To the Editor:

Last week my husband and I almost lost our dog from an overdose of THC. He had been for a walk in the woods with my husband and 1-1/2 hours later couldn’t stand, walk, or organize his back legs. Under evaluation and care from our veterinarian it was discovered it was not a stroke but instead from an ingested substance. We were shocked to hear that five dogs a week in that office are identified with pot overdose.

Please be responsible. Look around for edibles that may have dropped out of your pocket, and do not leave a stash for a later time. Animals, especially dogs, have great noses — they will find it. They are smaller beings and are unable to process large amounts of marijuana. Our pets are important to us and we hope everyone will be a responsible user.

Joyce Brown


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