News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Artist and pastor complete storytelling project

The Reflections of Jesus Project at Sisters Community Church (SCC) is near completion.

The art collection, which includes nearly 40 paintings and pastoral commentaries, is being produced by local Sisters artist Jim Horsley and Pastor Steve Stratos of SCC.

The initial 12 paintings were put on display last December, and additional paintings were added in February and March. The last eight paintings were completed just prior to the Easter celebration earlier this month. All of the paintings, and a related tabletop book, are on display and available for viewing at SCC during normal working hours, and on Sunday mornings. Additionally, all of the paintings with their related commentaries can be viewed on Horsley's art website:

Horsley and Stratos are deeply committed to accurately reflecting the story of Jesus as stated in the Bible's New Testament. They say it is really just a movement of their hearts for telling the story of who Jesus as the Son of God says he is in the four Gospel accounts.

They believe that "the Bible, as God's word, speaks for itself, and the paintings depicted are an honest attempt to depict these actual stories in a way that hopefully brings to life the reality of who Jesus is and what he was about."

The duo avoided embellishing the key moments and parables to make them more dramatic.

The artist and the pastor hope to reach beyond the church community to the community at large, in an accessible way without "pomp and circumstance" - including those who do not have a particular faith. They encourage others to "look at this art collection with a thoughtful mind and open heart."

Horsley said that while the paintings and commentary may not be perfect, their commitment to get them right is.

"Most accept that Jesus was truly a man who lived in Israel 2,000 years ago," he said. "The debate begins with the discussion of his full identity. Almost every major religion teaches that Jesus was a prophet or a good teacher or a godly man. But the Bible tells us that Jesus was infinitely more than a prophet, a good teacher, or a godly man."

"It was our hope that we could present the Jesus that we have known in our lives - that at one time we didn't know at all," Stratos said. "I hope others will be able to pursue their own answer to the question, 'Who do men say that I Am?'"

Horsley reflected, "Over the past few weeks I hadn't really made the time to think through what it would be like to put the finishing touches on these paintings during Easter Week. The reality now is that visualizing and finalizing these key moments over the past few days has been a richly intimate spiritual experience. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to undertake this project."

The paintings will not be available for sale individually; however, Horsley will be open to discussion with anyone who might like a commissioned version of any of the paintings; a portion of the sale proceeds from any display-related art or future sales of the tabletop book will be donated to SCC and/or related missions of the church. For information about purchase of related art prints or paintings, contact Jim Horsley at 206-890-3008 or [email protected].

On Wednesday, April 26, at 6:30 p.m., the public is invited to a Fireside Chat hosted by Stratos and Horsley to discuss the paintings and commentaries, including the latest Easter paintings. The event will be held at Sisters Community Church, 1300 McKenzie Hwy. For information call 541-549-1201.


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