News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters man brings experience to focus on family law

When Sisters lawyer Peter Straumfjord receives a call from someone needing legal advice about a family law issue, his calm demeanor can help during an often-stressful time. Straumfjord has been there and knows hearing that better times will eventually come can get folks through a sad and frustrating situation.

With a law office focused on divorce, custody, and modifications, Straumfjord knows staying the course and working toward resolution is something he can help his clients achieve.

"Divorces can be very onerous when they happen. I know from experience both personally, and with my clients," said Straumfjord. "I understand that devastation after my own divorce. I want to help people go through it a little easier and get to a place where they have accepted their situation and have gotten beyond the tough aspects of it."

Straumfjord moved to Sisters six years ago, but his family's connection to Sisters and Camp Sherman runs deep. His parents lived in Camp Sherman for ten years and loved it. Then they moved to Sisters. Straumfjord's father, "Al" Straumfjord M.D., passed away in 2017, and his mom still lives in town.

"I take my mother to Spoons for breakfast on Sunday mornings," said Straumfjord. "We really like their new location."

Straumfjord enjoys volunteering in Sisters and has been a part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program for the last three years. He and his "little brother" get together every week for a variety of activities around the area.

"I love kayaking on the Deschutes River, especially on a hot day," he said.

Straumfjord's favorite outdoor activity is disc golf. He plays disc golf in Sisters and Redmond, as well as in Tumalo at Cascades Academy. When he's not volunteering, Straumfjord goes to the Sisters Movie House. You can also see him around town taking lots of walks with his high-energy German Shepherd-mix dog named Emily. The two are in training and learning lots of new things together.

Along with being a Big Brother, Straumfjord also volunteers for the Deschutes County Library's "Lawyer in the Library" program.

"People can sign up and talk with me for about 30 minutes and it's free," he said. "I volunteer for the Family Law part of it. I've been doing that for four years now. Since COVID we've transitioned to using Zoom. I'm able to help people virtually, which still works well. It's a good start for people who have a situation that may need legal expertise. I help them to make sure they're on the right path."

Legal services are available the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 5-8 p.m.

"I hope if Sisters Country people need help in the family law area, like divorce, custody, and modifications, they'll give me a call at my office. It doesn't cost anything to talk about what they're going through," said Straumfjord. "I can help them get an idea of what their situation entails and whether they need my help or they can proceed on their own. If they retain my services, then we can talk about costs to navigate their situation. Anything we discuss is confidential. I can give them a feel for what they're in for, which is a free service."

To connect with Peter Straumfjord call 971-218-7694 or email him at [email protected]. Visit his website at: To learn more about the Deschutes Public Library's program "Lawyer in the Library," Straumfjord suggests visiting:


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