News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 7/05/2023

Thank you to Forest Service

To the Editor:

A big thank-you to our local Forest Service for their prompt response to a recent bonfire that was started and left unattended on BLM land that borders the perimeter of the Tollgate subdivision on the south side of Highway 20. Fortunately, a concerned motorist traveling on the highway reported seeing smoke. The USFS was dispatched and extinguished the fire before it had an opportunity to spread closer to nearby homes.

Crisis averted for now, but it’s not difficult to imagine this scenario playing out again with much worse results. One does not have to look very hard to find discarded cigarette butts and empty alcohol containers scattered along the dirt trail that runs between Tollgate and Highway 20. Compounding the matter, automobiles are accessing this path via Highway 20. In fact, it was reportedly a motorist that started this most recent fire event. Thankfully, the USFS is taking steps to thwart vehicles from accessing this non-Forest Service path.

There are certainly larger issues burning in our local forests that need to be addressed. But for now, many appreciative Tollgate residents are sending much gratitude towards our local U.S. Forest Service for their recent efforts.

Greg Werts


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