News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 10/11/23

Climate scam

To the Editor:

The Green New Deal and Climate Change are the biggest SCAM in our nation’s history.

Our so-called authority tells us we haven’t done enough. We have the cleanest water and air. The worst offenders appear to be China and India, and the U.N. wants the USA to clean up their pollution.

The environmentalists, since the 1970s, keep saying the sky is falling if we don’t do what they say. Now they say it is climate change. Well yes the climate changes, some years it is too hot and some years it is too cold. But we the people can’t change that one iota. It is God who controls the climate.

On day one, President Biden began to destroy our energy independence. Now he wants to tell us what stove and dryer we can own.

They are so concerned about the environment and yet when there was a derailment and chemical spill in Palestine, Ohio our Transportation Secretary said, “Oh we have a thousand derailments a year,” and it took the EPA days to come there, and I am not sure our President came at all.

I was shocked at his cavalier attitude. If we have 1,000 derailments a year why isn’t he doing something about it?

We need to give serious thought to who is running our country.

Pat Farr


Reader Comments(1)

Christa writes:

Train safety rules put in place by Pres Obama were repealed in 2018 by former Pres Trump's admin. In Sept 2023, Pres Biden has announced $1.4 billion to imprv rail safety. Infrastructure is been an acute focus of this admin, unlike the last.