News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters lacrosse players see action in combined program

Coming into the 2024 lacrosse season the Sisters Outlaws lacrosse girls team was facing a challenge: Either don't have a lacrosse team, due to the lack of players, or figure out some way to combine with a neighboring program to complete a team.

Faced with this challenge Sisters Coach Mckenna Jones, and Coach Pam Whitman and Matt Hansen, girls Redmond coaches, came together and decided to form Three Peaks Lacrosse, a combination of Ridgeview High School, Redmond High School, and Sisters High School. Combining teams would mean that the girls from Sisters and Redmond could have a season.

They rotated practicing between fields located in Sisters and in Redmond.

"For blending teams together this year, the coaching and team dynamic couldn't have gone any better," said Jones, who goes by Coach Mckenna. "Matt and Pam on the Redmond team were super helpful with bouncing ideas off of, running practices, as well as hosting team dinners. I definitely could not have gotten through this season without the help of these two experienced coaches. As for the girls it seemed like they clicked together really fast and nobody would have ever guessed we were combining three schools together into forming one team. The girls got along great and were encouraging on and off the field, you would have thought they've known each other their whole lives."

As they moved into the season they started to jell as a combined team, and host games locally as well as travel to compete in Albany. Coach Mckenna, assistant coach last year, put her heart and soul into coaching the team this year.

In a small town with limited resources it's hard to find a coach for a sport that isn't as broadly represented as something like soccer. It's a complex game that is completely different from boys' lacrosse. It has to be learned and taught on a dedicated level. Finding a coach who not only wants to dedicate weeks and weekends to the game, but also loves the sport, is hard to find. But Jones brings that as a coach.

The girls hosted senior night in Sisters against Bend United, featuring Bailey Robertson, Marley Holden, Hailey Asson, Tania Rebolledo, Ellie Bates, and Bailee Hansen representing Sisters. Three Peaks came out on top with a 8-7 win.

"Combining with Redmond this year was so much fun! We have always had sort of a connection with the Redmond girls. Being able to play together and actually have enough people for a full team on the field was a blessing. The team dynamic was amazing and super supportive," said Robertson.

Robertson always made practice a good time and, no matter what kind of mood the team was in, made sure they let the little things go and had fun.

Rebolledo is up for anything and never afraid of having to step into a new position. She played diversely on the field and stepped into the goal when needed. She always brought her joy and smile to games and practices.

Hansen is a talented athlete, and a kind and warm-hearted lacrosse player, who cared for everyone's well being.

Hansen was selected as one of three 2024 Central Oregon League first-team attack players for this year, as well as player of the year for 2024 in the Central Lacrosse League.

Holden is an extremely diverse player. She went from playing soccer year-round to stepping back into playing lacrosse this year. She has always been fast and strong-willed.

Asson has always been committed to playing lacrosse, showing up to every practice and giving it her all. She has exceptional knowledge of the game and gives it 100 percent when she's on the field. She is strong on the field and especially on the attacking end.

Bates has always had a deep love for lacrosse, and always brings her dynamics and diversity to the circle. She makes every player feel welcome on the field and off.

Ellie was selected as the 2024 second-team Central Oregon Lacrosse League midfield player.

"We had a really good group of seniors this year and they are all people I look up to and enjoyed playing with. They make everyone on this team feel like they have a place," said Solei Planty, a junior on the lacrosse team this year.

The team offered a big shout out to GFP Enterprises, for donating the uniforms.


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