News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Seeking remedy for orthopedic medicine

The Center Orthopedic and Neurosurgical Care & Research and St. Charles Health System have signed a letter of intent to explore expanding their relationship to preserve and strengthen access to orthopedic, neurosurgical, physical medicine and rehabilitation medicine, in the Central Oregon region.  

Central Oregon is experiencing a rapid reduction in access to care across many different types of medicine. As costs to provide care are increasing while reimbursements for services remain flat to declining, many independent providers have left the market and smaller specialty groups have closed their doors. The number of orthopedic surgeons in Central Oregon has decreased dramatically in the past 18 months making access to necessary care a significant burden.

The Center and St. Charles intend to seek an emergency exemption from the Health Care Market Oversight review process in the hopes of expediting the integration plans and the parties’ ability to more immediately stabilize care in the community.


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