News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

4-H club participates in dog show

Sisters K-9 Paws 4-H Club participated in the Deschutes County Dog Fair Show on July 30. Members showed in Obedience, Rally, Showmanship, and Agility. Fair participation increased to 22 members, which increased competition.

The Sisters youth placed in the following categories:

Obedience: Wyatt Whittaker - Champion; Savannah Weston - Reserve Champion; and Phoenix Padilla - Reserve Champion.

Rally: Whittaker Wyatt - Reserve Champion; McKenna Lee - Blue; Phoenix Padilla - Red; Morgan Whittaker - Red.

Showmanship: Blue Ribbons: Wyatt Whittaker, Savannah Weston, Avery Elbers, Phoenix Padilla, and Morgan and McKenzie Whittaker.

Agility: Avery Elbert - Blue; McKenna Lee - Red; Phoenix Padilla - Red; McKenzie Whittaker - Red.

"The kids did great," said club leader Nancy Hall. "The county fair is an opportunity to show their end of the year project."

The 4-H year starts October 1 and ends in August. Youth learn about their dogs, care, training, anatomy, sports, and more. They gain confidence, give presentations, and more.

The biggest weakness now is lack of safe agility equipment (expensive) and a local covered place to practice.

"The fair is not all about winning medals," said Hall. "If the kids are having fun, learning and building relationships with their dogs, that is most important."


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