News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor 10/2/2024

Use that turn signal

To the Editor:

What do you do when driving down the road and wish to turn off to the right? You signal your intent for the car behind you as a courtesy so they are safely warned you are turning. It is also telling a person who may be waiting to turn into the traffic that they may turn out.

Now, the roundabout is a good mover of traffic if that logic is the same as before. When you wish to enter the roundabout you look to see where the oncoming car is going, whether it is going to continue around or is going to leave. If the car doesn’t signal, you wait for it because you can’t pull onto the roundabout. Then that car turns off, not giving you a clear signal it was going to do so. Your way to enter is delayed because you believed he was going to stay in the turning.

The solution is, when you wish to leave the roundabout, signal. One can only leave a roundabout with a right turn. Everybody who wants to enter will see your intent, and traffic will keep smoothly moving.

Bruce Graham

Supporting Kamala Harris

To the Editor:

As I prepare to submit this letter to the editor, we are just weeks away from a very important election in our country. Current polls indicate that the race for president is very close, and I am mystified how this is even an issue, as the candidates are not close in their qualifications for this critical office.

The Democrat candidate is a proven leader who has spent much of her career in public service. She is kind, wise, and compassionate. She takes seriously the oath she has sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. She is competent, civil, and calm. She offers hopeful forward thinking, has real policy plans, and she tells the truth.

The Republican candidate is a proven liar and has spent much of his career in self-service. He is a convicted felon for charges of fraud, election subversion and obstruction and has been judged liable for sexual abuse and defamation. He offers fear, division, hate, chaos, and retribution.

I have seen statements from some who say they are proudly supporting the convicted felon. How are these statements even acceptable in our great nation? We are a serious country with serious problems, and we need serious leadership. More than 700 high-ranking national security officials, and several of the former president’s cabinet and staff do not support him. They support Kamala Harris for president, and so do I. She is the most qualified candidate for the head of state and head of government for the United States of America.

A vote is not joining a fan club. It’s more like playing chess, and we have a duty to play smart in this matter. The future of our democracy depends on it.

Christi Keefer


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