News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Choosing our next county sheriff

On November 5, we will learn who the next elected Sheriff will be for the next four years.

Our choices : Candidate Kent Vander Kamp – Endorsed by the Deschutes County Sheriff Employee’s Association — reduce violent crimes, property crimes, and traffic issues in Deschutes County; address the homelessness, mental health, and drugs crisis; restore public trust and accountability in the Sheriff’s Office; connect with the community and collaborate with other public safety partners, improve deputy and employee wellness.

Candidate William Bailey — Endorsed by Sheriff Shane Nelson — homeless outreach team; enforce drug laws; safer roads; scheduling that works; dedicated deputy assignments.

In a January 5, 2024, exchange on social media, Mrs. Rachel Bailey wrote to the author:

“I asked my husband about you. He said that Sheriff Nelson respects and speaks very highly of you. So please sir listen to Nelson about why you should only support who’s best for our county. Bill has worked and has experience in all aspects of the sheriffs office. He’s learned from Nelson on what to do and he’s also learned from his mistakes. There’s a million reasons why my husband should be the box you mark off when you vote. I urge you to listen to your friend Shane that has worked so hard for us. Trust him. He felt comfortable retiring because he knew Bill was the right replacement.”

In 2016 and 2020, I covered this election process. Shane Nelson, a dear friend for many years and endorsed by retired Sheriff Les Stiles both times, moved into the upstairs office at DCSO.

In 2024, my detailed journalistic investigation into the coordinated effort to discredit, smear, and otherwise paint Kent Vander Kamp in the worst possible light causes me to question whether Shane believes his hand-picked successor can win without this form of skullduggery? As retired Bend PD chief and fellow Veteran, Jim Porter, shared with me, “You and I know there was a time when Shane was a great guy, cared for the troops, was a straight shooter, but those days are gone.”

This level of dirty politics has not been seen since disgraced sheriff Greg Brown pulled out the stops in 2001 against his opponent, Les Stiles. Brown had become a petty tyrant, taking gross advantage of his law enforcement fiefdom to rule by harassment, intimidation, and favoritism. The 2024 overwhelming vote by the DCSO Employee Association in support of Vander Kamp alerts the voter that Nelson’s last eight years in office emulates Brown’s unacceptable behavior and campaign tactics.

I agree with retired Southern California police chief and Prineville resident Jerry Boyd: “If…the Sheriff’s ‘hand picked yes man’ wins the election, if anyone thinks there’s a staffing shortage now you haven’t seen anything yet. Those eligible to retire will, and many other excellent employees will leave even though they love serving the citizens of Deschutes County. No one deserves to work in a dictatorship…”

As Shane and William Bailey recall, I was initially fully supportive of Candidate Bailey, as I knew nothing about his opponent. This has changed. I have found both candidates have skeletons in their DCSO closets. None of these make them ineligible to run for or hold office. However, we as taxpayers and voters must select the candidate whose leadership most resonates with their employees. If we do, our county law enforcement services will improve, employee recruitment and retention will soar, and we will indeed be a safer community because of this and more.

Tragically Shane Nelson’s performance has cost us money at every turn, and his candidate, William Bailey, will do the same if elected. Both have relied heavily on brute administrative force to maintain their positions of power and authority over their oft-inflamed subordinates. They give good cops a bad name and only quit or retire after they’d damaged their agency to the point of being beyond repair.

As an honorably retired Deschutes County deputy sheriff and military veteran, I will be casting my vote for Kent Vander Kamp on behalf of those sisters and brothers still doing “the Job” at DCSO.


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